Natural Rain Forests

Our global forests play many important ecological roles in the regulation of our climate, and our lifestyle in general. Forests cover 31% of our planet and the Amazon rainforest hosts innumerable species of plants and animals. Natural Capital Credits help to recognise the protection activities of areas such as this, which are part of the global action of protecting our at-risk forests.

From helping to mitigate climate change to providing the habitat for many species of plants and animals, providing food, medicine and livelihoods for people, these essential resources are crucial. Yet, despite everything forests are at risk and are being cut down at an alarming rate. Natural climate solutions are needed to help mitigate climate change. REDD supporters are keen for people to understand that forests are a natural resource that are ready to help this now. He shares with us his experience of protecting rainforests and tells us that they can help to reduce the impacts of climate change, and protecting them can bring benefits to the environment immediately. If deforestation was allowed to continue at the rate it has occurred historically, the economic and environmental impacts will be catastrophic.

Preserving and enhancing forests is an essential part of the global efforts needed to mitigate climate change and global warming.  Rainforests (in fact all forests) play a crucial role in our everyday life. Not only do they produce oxygen for the air we breathe, simultaneously absorbing carbon dioxide, but they are integral to the environment on a global scale. They provide a natural habitat for countless species of animals, plants, and many other species, as well as food and materials for and endless array of products that we consume on a regular basis. They are also the source of many medicines we use today.

Natural Capital Credits are issued to projects that protect areas of rainforest from deforestation. These carbon credits each denote that 1 tonne of CO2e has avoided being emitted into the atmosphere. Avoided deforestation projects that are implemented such as the Trocano Project, aim to protect large areas of natural forest that are at risk of deforestation.